Monday, June 13, 2011

One year in Ghana! What I’ve learned, noticed, observed, been shocked by, discovered, and well everything else that might fall into one of these categories.

  1. The novelty of me being in Ghana has worn off to those back home… as in the letter, postcards and packages are not frequenting my mailbox like they once use to. Don’t stop sending mail… getting snail mail is one of the best things EVER (well actually getting packages I think is ten times better and thanks so everyone that has sent me one or more than one this far)!
  2. I’m can now sit on a bus for hours and hours and still be comfortable for sitting for many more long, long hours to come… will make my 3 flights back to Colorado in a few weeks much more enjoyable, and just think I’ll have leg room!
  3. I’m now an expert at baby holding… or carrying on my back.
  4. Saw a goat being born, and found snake eggs in my garden… but that was just another day in Africa.
  5. Lost all creativity with cooking… all I know how to cook now is rice with a sauce on top.
  6. I enjoy bucket bathing and I may take it home with me at the end of my two years (only for the summer months though)… just imagine bathing under a starry sky, or while watching the lightning off in the distance… AMAZING!
  7. I’m learning to be patient, even when patience isn’t necessary.
  8. I’ve learned a whole new side to the English language… “Driva I will elite here” … “No, please madam I will go come” … “Oh I beg, I beg please you cheat me” … yup that’s how I speak now.
  9. I don’t like to hold babies that have just wet themselves… yes most babies here don’t wear diapers and just pee when they have to pee… yes I have been peed on numerous times by babies.
  10. Read over 50 books… probably 50 more books than I’ve read the past 5 years… no joke.
  11. I’m now used to ducking as I enter into any doorway… Never thought I was that tall, but I guess I am in Ghana.
  12. I’m still given more food that I know what to do with… today alone I was given a bushel of plantains (about 16 plantains), 2 avocados, 2 papayas, and 1 HUGE mango… can’t really complain too much about it though.
  13. I never thought I would see the day when I enjoyed spicy food, and then crave it… but yep that day has come and I am loving the spice!
  14. I have the ability to make babies cry… just by looking at them.
  15. I’m almost to the point where I can turn off my thoughts… almost.

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