Sunday, March 6, 2011

English is the national language of Ghana, but that doesn’t mean it is English that you can understand (I thought I was to learn Eve while in Ghana, but I’m also learning how to speak African English.) They have their own way to say everything and hand signals to go along with it.

The power is out = "Light is off."

The power is back on! = "Light has come!"

I'll be right back = "I will go and come."

I'm leaving (and coming back) = "I am coming."

Get someone's attention = hiss at him or her or make kissy face noise (I really hate being hissed at)

Do you understand? = "Are we OK?"

When you are finished (with doing something) = “Can we go now?”

That is very nice = "Oh fine."

Something bad has happened = "Oh Why?"

Asking why something bad has happened (non verbally) = Frown, turn out you bottom lip (sad face) clap once and then turn your hands outward at the person.

Imply that you would like to share your food (or something else) = "Oh, you are invited"

Beg/Ask someone for something or apologize = put one hand in the other (like you going up for communion in church) and say "Oh, I beg"

To ask for a bit more of something (when buying something at the market) = “Dash me”

When you are going to eat (or preparing food) = “What will you chop?”

Restaurants = “Chop Bars”

The common amount (when asking for something) = “Small small.”

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