Monday, March 28, 2011

It is with my deepest apologies that I have been slacking on the blogging front.

First off after being in Ghana for almost 10 months (yes I am rapidly approaching the 10 month marker… go me!) it’s hard to come up with new and exciting topics to inform you about. And secondly the power cord to my computer has finally bit the dust and charging my computer has become a task (I've been biking the hour and a half ride to Jasikan where luckily my closest neighbor has a Mac charger as well.) This isn’t to say that I can’t go to a internet cafĂ© and use the internet and post a blog, but with my money being time, I would rather not waste it writing one blog post, (yes I do try to put thought into some of these blogs (although you probably can’t tell because I suck at spelling), but they do take me a while to write… hence I like to write them on my computer and then post them when I get to internet.)

So I guess it is time to post a ‘progress report’ of my happenings in Ghana… Humm, well I can’t believe how time is flying. To me it still feels like I left just yesterday (although my hair is much longer than is was when I was last in the US). Ghana is still green, the rain is still falling, and my language is starting to come along (well lets just say that I can understand WAY more than I can speak). Mango season is here (and my motto is ‘a mango a day keeps the doctor away’), Ghanaians STILL can’t believe that Americans don’t eat Fufu, and my garden is teaching me a lot.

Teaching has been put on hold as both the schools I was working with now have ICT teachers (and I’m not here to do someone else’s job). I’m still trying to establish a computer lab though. But that has come with its own set of problems and maybe by October the grant will get approved.

My main project still ceases to exist. Although I was finally introduced to some of the supposed farmers that are in my ‘group. So I’m trying to come up with things to do to keep me occupied (other than reading books… I just finished my 43rd book.)

First thing I’m working on is starting a tree nursery. As trees are being cut down for firewood, and illegal deforestation of all the native species is taking place all over Ghana. I’ve been meeting with a few people once a week to nurse seeds. The theory behind all the tress that we are nursing is when people walk to the bush to cut firewood then they have to walk by the spot where we have started the nursery… so this will all be in hopes that they go cut firewood and plant a tree… Not sure how this will really work, but… well... I’m giving it a try.

The other thing that I’ve been working on is building rabbit cages… yes rabbit. Rabbit is the up and coming meat of Ghana (pour little bunnies). As part of my Alternative Livelihood Projects (APL’s… what ever that’s suppose to mean) we are suppose to help people come up with alternative ways to make money. And selling rabbit meat is a new way. Thus far I’ve built two cages with other PCV’s and in about a month my little village is going to host a training for other volunteers to come and learn how to build not only rabbit, but grasscutter, snail and chicken cages/coups. In turn they can build these cages in their villages and help on the APL front.

That about my life right now… woot woot!

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